We welcome your comments, questions, and inquiries. Our Customer Service Team can be reached by email, phone, or you can send us a message through our handy contact form.
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Having Trouble With an Order?
Please contact us via one of the methods above if you have trouble locating one of our products, or need help with an online order. We will be happy to assist you!
NOTE: If you are a returning customer you will need to set up a new log in and password during your first order.
Wholesale Inquiries
Interested in becoming an American Easel reseller? Please contact us, or visit our wholesale pricing page for more information.
We love our products and take pride in the quality and craftsmanship of each item we manufacture, so it’s especially important to us that our customers are happy and satisfied! In fact, we will stand behind our products, whether you purchase directly from us, or from any one of our many store dealers or online dealers.